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Hi all, I've got this beautiful diamond since late last year and I hope it can go to a new own who appreciate it as much as I do. Its a beauty. Here's a video of its (the smaller diamond on the left): I had tried to take actual picture of the diamond to show its performance but its tough. The attached is taken under orange lighting and dark room. Please email directly at JOV.CHUA@GMAIL.COM ** sorry for no reply as I think LT is having some issues. please email me directly. Thank you. PS: As I am a private seller, all sales are final.
10 years ago
Hi, Hi all, I've got this beautiful diamond since late last year and I hope it can go to a new owner who appreciate it as much as I do. Its a beauty : GIA 1159091133 Here's a video of its (the smaller diamond on the left): I had tried to take actual picture of the diamond to show its performance but its tough. The attached is taken under orange lighting and dark room. Please email directly at JOV.CHUA@GMAIL.COM ** sorry for no reply as I think LT is having some issues. please email me directly. Thank you. PS: As I am a private seller, all sales are final.
10 years ago
Hi, I am looking go sell my 1.975ct CBI diamond and setting from CVB. Ring size is between 5.25 to 5.5, created by Caysie. Please refer to picture for diamond specifications and video for its performance. Diamond can be sell seperately, please email to enquire. Video: I can send the ring to an agreed vendor for verification. Please PM me for more information. Or, email me at Thank you
9 years ago
2.3ct H VVS2 from GOG : It's a great 8-main for 1:1 ratio. Please PM me for more information or email me at
9 years ago